
Showing posts from October, 2018

Successful Steps to good academic essay writing

Academic essay writing is an important part of college education mostly in subject like English Composition. Several seek help from professional essay writers to complete the task so that better grades are obtained. However, not every time you invest that much time or money in academic writing services. No one not even an online essay writer can complete anything at last minute for you. In that case, it is necessary to be prepared on own. If you are thinking how to accomplish good academic essay writing don’t’ worry our essay writing services are willing to help. There are five successful steps to plan effective academic essay writing.   Check the assignment sheet carefully: To write any academic essay, the first thing is to check assignment sheet. This sheet is very important because all grades depend on instructor’s requirements. Example: essay should be double-spaced; at least six pages in length excluding works cited page. The font style must have size – 12 pt and type – Time

How to choose articles wisely in academic essay writing

In academic essay writing , one of the grammatical errors is use of wrong article at wrong place. While the confusion between “a” and “an” is common mistake, unnecessary “the” is also another issue. Here, you will learn to use indefinite and definite article. We all know academic essay writing is a tough part of curricular, but with this tips, it will be clear how to use articles properly. Use of Indefinite Article “a” Place it before first letter of word that is consonant. Example: a ball, a coffee cup In this example, the first letter of word is b, and c, which is consonant letters. Use of Indefinite Article “an” Place it before first letter of word that produces vowel sounds like a, e, i, o, u. Example: an ice cream, an egg In this example, the first letter of word is i and e, which is vowel letters. Special Cases When the first letter of a word is silent h, place ‘an’ before that word every time. Example: He was an honorable man. In this example, even though h is first

Top four Grammar Hacks to Avoid in English Essay Writing

Grammar is the most important factor while attempting English essay writing . In addition, if there are number of errors, it costs the twenty percent of original grade. Thus, we present top four grammar hacks you can avoid. Hack No. 1: Use of passive voice in the sentence. The passive voice in a sentence steals the clarity and meaning. Therefore, in English essay writing avoid passive voice and replace with “active voice.” Example: Passive voice: Shawn was taken to the hospital by his neighbors. Active voice: His neighbors took Shawn to the hospital. In this example, passive voice is adding more words and making meaning complex. Hack No. 2: Sentence Fragments Errors Sentence fragments are incomplete sentences, which misses the following: verb, subject, and subject-verb agreement. Avoid them in English essay writing by rewriting properly with subject and verb adjustment. Example: Our pet dog Will. Avoid Sentence Fragments: Our pet dog Will is extremely naughty.